"Es pot experimentar tanta alegria en proporcionar-li plaer a algú que se senten ganes de donar-li les gràcies." - Henri M. Montherlant, escriptor

Over the last 120 years Spain has executed, jailed or forced into exile 9 out of 11 of our presidents for defending our ideas. Today we keep fighting peacefully against the #SpanishRepression! For them, for those to come, for those who are no longer here.

 Enric Prat de la Riba President of Mancomunitat (1914-1917)  Jailed in 1902
 Josep Puig i Cadafalch President of Mancomunitat (1917 - 1923)  Exiled in 1923
 Santiago Estapé President of Mancomunitat  (1923 -1924)  Accidentally. Just a few days.
 Carlos de Lossada President of Mancomunitat  (1924)  Military designated by Primo de Ribera
 Alfons Sala President of Mancomunitat  (1924 - 1925)  Politician designated by Primo de Ribera
 Francesc Màcia President of Generalitat (1931 - 1933)  Jailed in 1926
 LLuís Companys President of Generalitat (1933 - 1940)  Executed by firing squad in 1940
 Josep Irla  President of Generalitat (1940 -1954)  Exiled in 1939
 Josep Tarradellas President of Generalitat (1954 - 1980)  Exiled in 1939
 Jordi Pujol  President of Generalitat (1980 -2003)  Jailed in 1960
 Pasqual Maragall President of Generalitat (2003 - 2006)  PSC wich belong to the PSOE a Spanish party
 Jose Montilla President of Generalitat (2006 - 2010)  PSC wich belong to the PSOE a Spanish party
 Artur Mas President of Generalitat (2010 - 2016)  Sentenced in 2017
 Carles Puigdemont President of Generalitat (2016 - 2018)  Exiled in 2017
 Joaquim Torra President of Generalitat (2018)  ???


References: President de la Generalitat de Catalunya

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