"Aniré a qualsevol lloc, sempre que sigui cap endavant." - Dr. Livingstone

El SUSECon2016 d'aquest any ens ha deixat perles com aquesta:


Building SLES with Open Sources
Bringing Linux to the Masses

Building SLES with Open Sources

Bringing Linux to the Masses
Building SLES with Open Sources
Bringing Linux to the Masses


Coding in the name of!
Coding in the name of!

Push my changes to Github
Push my changes to Github
Push my changes to Github
Push my changes to Github
Push my changes to Github
Push my changes to Github
Push my changes to Github
Push my changes to Github
Push my changes to Github
Push my changes to Github
Push my changes to Github

Those who try
push changes wide
use OBS
to put their package inside

Those who try
push changes wide
use OBS
to put their package inside

Building SLES with Open Sources
Bringing Linux to the Masses
Building SLES with Open Sources
Bringing Linux to the Masses

Building SLES with Open Sources
Bringing Linux to the Masses

Coding in the name of!
Coding in the name of!

Push my changes to Github
now you control your code
Push my changes to Github
now you control your code
Push my changes to Github
now you control your code

Those who try
push changes wide
use OBS
to put their package inside
Those who try
push changes wide
use OBS
to put their package inside
Those who try
push changes wide
use OBS
to put their package inside

Come On!!

Come On!!

SUSE is all built
for no downtime

SUSE is all built
for no downtime

SUSE is all built
for no downtime

Administrators! Huh!

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